
The data flows and models designed in the Model app are stored in a model definition file, which is saved in the content management system. In order to produce or materialize a database, data model, or machine learning model, the definition file must be run. Once the model definition file is materialized, the live data model that is produced can be queried from the other Pyramid modules.

These materialized artifacts are separate entities from the model definition file, and can exist without the definition file. They must be secured and managed separately from the definition file.

Model Definition Security

Like other content items that are stored in the content manager, the model definition file can be secured with roles via the 'Save' dialog. The definition files can also CONTAIN role security settings to be set or applied to the materialized data content created when the model file is run. The security permissions determine which users can see the databases or data models and which ones can change them. These permissions are then saved in the model definition file and are materialized into the live database and / or live data model.

  • Click here to learn more about the Security Settings in the Model Definition File.

Data Source Management

Once the materialized data artifacts have been created, admins can continue to administer and adjust these security settings through the Data Source Manager while model owners can administer the same security settings through the Materialized Data Manager - albeit with less scope and functionality.

  • Click here to learn about data source management.